Saturday, March 14, 2015

Updated Evidentialist Megapack

If only I had time to run a blog...

For now, I will use this site to update a collection of PDF files. There isn't much of a need to go into detail here about anything since the documents already do most of the talking.

Most church-goers I know simply take their views for granted and are unwilling to make a case for it that goes beyond some form of "personal experience" or "faith" to back it up.

I won't write about how my views have swayed in and out on Christianity or religion as a whole here. But I will say that if you think you can expect our youngest generation as well as skeptics to be convinced by "faith" alone (exactly what does that mean to you?) then you are naive at best.

My goal is to collect some of the more accessible yet persuasive online articles out there on why Christianity is indeed a credible thing to accept. I'm not saying anything can be accepted with 100% certainty. But I do claim that we can be just as certain about this topic as anything else if we explore it in depth.

So here is a link where someone has uploaded it for me:!gU1jlCAb!WmkcE9gPXBXIDOnqVdWrkQ

Take the time to read the text file, which describes what each document is about. You don't need to finish a document before you read the next, but I decided to number them in what I think would be an effective way of pouring through the material.

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